Will AB-NHPM Mitigate Indian Healthcare Crisis?

Since long, hypes have created on several healthcare schemes in India, by the successive Governments of different political dispensation. These attracted mostly positive vibes at the time of announcements. Nevertheless, as we move on, a vast majority of Indians continues to live in the midst of a health care crisis, as it were.

The National Health Policy 2017 also acknowledges this crisis as it writes: ‘growing incidences of catastrophic expenditure due to health care costs, which are presently estimated to be one of the major contributors to poverty.’

More recently, the May 31, 2018 article, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) continued to echo the similar concern. It reiterated, since both government funding and social health insurance contributions are insufficient to meet health care needs of households, over three-fourth of all healthcare payments are paid Out of Pocket (OOP) at the point of service delivery while medicine purchase (approximately 63 percent) account for the single largest component of these payments.

A major cause of catastrophe and impoverishment at the household level is undoubtedly the OOP expenditure on health care, including medicines. According to the above BMJ paper, 29 million households, implying about 38 million persons were pushed into poverty in the year 2011–2012, only because of this reason. Although, this study was based on a cross- sectional analysis of ‘National Sample Survey data, 1994–2014’, the public health expenditure in India has not shown any significant increase since then, either. On the contrary, the public spending in some health-related areas has come down in the recent years.

Is a health care crisis primarily a ‘financial’ crisis?

The issue of budget allocation and adequate public expenditure on healthcare in India assumes significance to understand this point better. It is generally believed that ‘a health care crisis is primarily a ‘financial’ crisis in which countries cannot successfully meet people’s access to medicine due to the rising cost of health care services and, more importantly, pharmaceuticals.’ A sincere political will is absolutely necessary to resolve these issues, meaningfully – the paper points out.

But, there doesn’t seem to be any financial crisis in the country now, as the Government claims. India is the fastest growing nation in the world. Why is then the health care crisis continuing for the majority of Indian, if not worsening? Why isn’t public expenditure on health care increasing despite such spectacular financial achievements? Could it be due to lack of requisite political intent?

On paper all health care related schemes look good:

Yes, I reckon, on paper all health care related schemes look reasonably good, assuming these will be implemented well. These may include, National Health Missions (NHM) covering both rural and urban poor or even the likes of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY). So is also the most recent one - Ayushman Bharat – National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM) announced by the Government during 2018-19 Union budget presentation and approved by the cabinet on May 21, 2018. However, its implementation on the ground seem to be wobbly, too. Thus, many wonders whether this new scheme on the block will help the nation tiding over the existing health care crisis.

I broadly discussed this subject on February 5, 2018, in this Blog. However, in this article, I shall try to ferret out the reasons of such apprehension on the AB-NHPM, against some critical parameters, just as illustrations:

Who contributes and how much to health expenditures: 

From the National Health Account Estimate (NHAE) of October 2017, one gets a broad idea of who contributes and roughly how much of the health expenditures in India, as follows:

Union Govt. State Govts. Local bodies Enterprises, including insurance NGOs External donors OOPE
8.2% 13.3% 0.7% 4.4% 1.6% 0.7% 67%

Where does the treatment take place?

Place Urban (%) Rural (%)
Public healthcare 21 28
Private healthcare 79 72

It is interesting to note, although private health care costs over 4 times more than the public healthcare, more patients are compelled to go for private health care. (Source: National Sample Survey 2014, Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation.)

Reasons for not using public health care facilities:

Around55.1percent of households are not using public health facilities.The reasons for not using public health care facilities by the members of the household when they fall sick, as reflected in the National Family Health Survey (NHFS) data, are interesting. Following are the main reasons:

Poor quality of care No nearby facility Long waiting time Inconvenient facility timing Health Personnel absent
48.1% 44.6% 40.90% 26.4% 14.8%

Addressing these reasons would help significant reduction in OOPE:

The February 2018 report of the ‘Centre for Technology and Policy Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Madras,’ vindicates this important point. It provides unambiguous evidence that strengthening the basic infrastructure of Health Sub-Centers (HSC), along with trained personnel and adequate medicines, ensure diversion of patients from expensive private facilities – increasing patients’ access to affordable health care. Consequently, OOP expenditure by families in health care and particularly medicines, sharply comes down.The study reported that such reduction in outpatient care varied between 77 percent and 92 percent in a pilot project on ensuring universal health coverage.

Break-up of healthcare expenditure – primary care costing the most:  

One gets a broad understanding on the general break-up of health care expenditure in India from the (NHAE) of October 2017, as follows:

Primary care Secondary care Tertiary care Patient transportation Governance & supervision
45.1% 35.6% 15.6% 4.6% 2.6%

It is worth noting that transportation costs are significant for many patients, just for accessing the existing public or private health care facilities, besides getting important diagnostic tests done, or even to buy many medicines. This expenditure would continue to exist, even if NHPS is put in place. On the other hand, strengthening the low-cost Government HSCs, would help greater patient access to health care, bringing down the OOPE, remarkably.

Currently, a sizeable number of reasonably decent medical treatment points, are located quite far from many villages. Thus, availing any decent health care facility by a large number of rural folks, no longer remains a matter of choice, up until the disease turns into a life-threatening one, due to protracted negligence. One such example is a large number of child deaths occurred at the state-run BRD Medical College hospital in the Gorakhpur city of Uttar Pradesh, in 2017. Most of them were brought in a critical condition from far-off villages.

Highest OOPE expenditure incurred for outpatient treatment:

According to the December 2016 publication titled ‘Household Health Expenditure in India’  of the Union Ministry of Health, one will get an idea of top 3 key consumption areas, out of the total OOPE on health care services, which are as follows:

Outpatient care Inpatient care Preventive care
54.84% 31.96% 4.26%

However, of the total OOPE, 53.46 percent was spent on medicines and 9.95 percent was spent on diagnostics. More importantly, 82.29 percent of the total OOP medicines expenditure and 67 percent of total OOP diagnostic expenditure were in outpatient treatment, the report highlights.

New NHPM excludes two major components of OOPE: 

Based on the above facts, it is interesting to note, while the maximum expenditure for health is incurred towards Primary Care and Outpatient treatment, the brand new NHPM does not cover both. In that case, how will it address the health care crisis in India and significantly reduce OOPE on health?

Does the total cost for AB-NHPM reflect in any budget allocation?

In this context, let me touch upon the other aspect of AB-NHPM, which is giving shape to 150,000 ‘Health and Wellness Centre (HWC)’ in India.On April 14, 2018, the first HWC – under the AB scheme was launched by the Prime Minister of India at Bijapur in Chhattisgarh.But, the fund allocated in the Union Budget 2018-19 for HWCs is just Rs. 120 million, which realistically is expected to support just around 10,000 HWCs. Whereas, 150,000 HWC would cost around Rs. 3 billion. The same issue of abysmal budgetary allocation, both by most of the state governments and the center, has been raised for NHPM, as well.

As we have seen in the chart of ‘who contributes and how much to current health expenditures’, that OOPE stands out, it should in no way be allowed to remain around that number in India, because of continuing low public health expenditure on health care.


Coming back to what I started from – the issue of ongoing health care crisis in India with incredibly high OOPE expenditure of the households on health. Many health care schemes have come, gone or about to be jettisoned – getting replaced by the tweaked versions of the old ones – of course in a new Avatar, supported by much expected media hypes, virtually terming it as a panacea. But, the key problem of sincere implementation of those schemes still lingers.

Sharp Government focus, backed by adequate budget allocation, on primary health care and bringing down outpatient treatment cost, which contribute to a high proportion of OOPE, remain as elusive as ever. Thus, I reckon, AB-NHPM is unlikely to mitigate the health care crisis in India, at least,in the short to medium term.

By: Tapan J. Ray    

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.


An El Dorado…But Not Without Responsible Pricing:The Cancer Segment in India

The affordability issue for cancer treatment has been the subject of a raging debate since quite some time, as the incidence of cancer is fast increasing across the world. Just for example a very recent report highlighted that cancer has now become the greatest health risk in the UK, with an average British boy born in 2010 running a 44 percent chance of being diagnosed with any form of cancer during his lifetime. The risk for a baby girl is slightly lower at 40 percent.

In India too, the problem of affordable cancer treatment has now become the center piece of a fiercer public opinion in the healthcare space, more than even HIV, prompting the Government to intervene in this dreadful disease area and address the problem in a holistic way both in the short and also on a longer term basis. This demand is supported by rapidly growing number of cancer patients in the country.

Out of the total number of new cancer patients globally, India now reportedly ranks third as follows:

Rank Country % Of total
1. China 22
2. USA 11
3. India 7.5

As a consequence, cancer now reportedly accounts for one of the main causes of deaths  in India, which is nearly 19 percent higher than deaths caused by heart diseases.

Number of new cancer patients staggering in India:

Over 60,000 new cases are reportedly diagnosed every year in India and 80 percent of them are at an advanced stage, which involve mostly the middle-aged and elderly population of the country, where affordability is even a greater issue.

Cervical and breast cancers are reportedly the most common, contributing over 26 per cent to the total cancer cases in India, followed by lung, mouth, pharynx, ovarian, pancreatic and esophagus cancers.

Whereas cervical cancer is reportedly most common in females with a mortality rate of nearly 15 per 10,000 females, lung cancer has the highest mortality rate of 28 per 10,000 males.

Incidentally, lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer even globally. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 90% of all lung cancers. The primary cause of lung cancer in up to 90% of patients is tobacco and represents one-fifth of all cancer-related deaths in India.

However, to address the havoc caused by this dreaded disease effectively, India will also need to bridge the huge gap of shortfall in disease diagnostic infrastructure in the country.

The humongous access gap for cancer patients needs to be effectively addressed by the Government sooner with Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) for diagnosis and treatment, in tandem with other proactive initiatives like, disease awareness campaigns targeted to ensure greater screening and disease prevention, wherever possible.

‘The Lancet’ finding:

Following are some of the important findings on cancer disease profile in India, as reported in May 12, 2012, edition of ‘The Lancet’:

-       6 percent of the study deaths were due to cancer

-       71 percent cancer deaths occurred in people aged 30—69 years

-       Age-standardized cancer mortality rates per 100,000 were similar in rural and urban     areas but varied greatly between the states, and were two times higher in the least educated than in the most educated adults.

This report further calls for immediate Government intervention in this area.

Growing patients number making ‘Oncology Market’ increasingly attractive:

As stated above, incidence of various types of cancer is rapidly increasing across the world, making oncology segment an ‘El Dorado’ for many pharmaceutical players prompting commensurate investments for product development in this area, be these are new molecules or biosimilars.

Thus, the global turnover of anti-cancer drugs, which was around US$ 50 billion in 2009, is expected to grow to US$ 75 billion in 2013 registering a jaw dropping growth rate in today’s turbulent global pharmaceutical market environment.

World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted over 20 million new cases of cancer in 2025 against 12 million in 2008.

Globally, the segment growth will mainly be driven by early detection, longer duration of treatment and the global ascending trend in the incidence and prevalence of cancer propelled by new treatments and improved access to cancer therapies in many countries.

Indian business landscape:

Oncology segment has now emerged as a leading therapeutic area in the Indian pharmaceuticals market too, being fourth largest in volume and tenth largest in value term, mainly driven by lower priced generic equivalents in volume term.

Despite only a smaller number of patients can afford any comprehensive cancer treatment protocol in India, the demand for cancer drugs in the country, where many drug companies follow various types of unconventional logistics systems to reach these drugs to patients, is increasing at a rapid pace.

Global players namely, Roche, BMS, Pfizer, Sanofi, GSK and Merck reportedly dominate the market with innovative drugs. Whereas, domestic companies like, Natco Pharma, Cipla, Sun Pharma, Dr. Reddy’s Lab (DRL), Biocon and others are now coming up with low price generic equivalents of many cancer drugs.

The fact that currently over 30 pharmaceutical companies market cancer drug in the country, demonstrates growing attractiveness of the Oncology segment in India.

Access to newer cancer drugs:

It has been widely reported that newer cancer therapies have significant advantages over available generic cancer drugs both in terms of survival rate and toxicity.

Unfortunately such types of drugs cost very high, severely limiting access to their therapeutic benefits for majority of patients. For a month’s treatment such drugs reportedly cost on an average US$ 3,000 – 4,500 or Rs 1.64 – 2.45 lakh to each patient in India.

More R&D investments in Oncology segment:

Another study recently published by ‘Citeline’ in its  ‘Pharma R&D Annual Review 2012’ points out, more than half of the top 25 disease areas targeted for R&D falls under cancer therapy. Breast cancer comes out as the single most targeted disease followed by Type 2 diabetes. 

This will ensure steady growth of the Oncology segment over a long period of time and simultaneously the issue of access to these medicines to a large number of patients, if the product pricing does not fall in line with socioeconomic considerations of India.

Cancer drug sales dominated in 2012: 

It is interesting to note that around one-third of the ‘Top 10 Brands in 2012′ were for the treatment of cancer as follows:

Top 10 global brands in 2012

Rank Brand Therapy Area Company Sales: (US$ bn)
1. Humira Rheumatoid Arthritis and others Abbott /Eisai (now AbbVie/Eisai) 9.48
2. Enbrel Anti-inflammatory Amgen/Pfizer/Takeda 8.37
3. Advair/Seretide Asthma, COPD GlaxoSmithKline 8.0
4. Remicade  Auto-immune Johnson & Johnson/Merck/ Mitsubishi Tanabe 7.67
5. Rituxan Anti-cancer Roche 6.94
6. Crestor Anti-lipid AstraZeneca/ Shionogi 6.65
7. Lantus Anti-diabetic Sanofi 6.12
8. Herceptin Anti-cancer Roche 6.08
9. Avastin Anti-cancer Roche 5.98
10. Lipitor Anti-lipid Pfizer/Astellas Pharma/Jeil Pharmaceutical 5.55

(Source: Fierce Pharma)

Responsible Pricing a key issue with cancer drugs:

In the battle against the much dreaded disease cancer, the newer innovative drugs being quite expensive, even in the developed markets the healthcare providers are feeling the heat of cost pressure of such medications, which in turn could adversely impact the treatment decisions for the patients.

Thus, to help the oncologists to appropriately discuss the treatment cost of anti-cancer drugs with the patients, the ‘American Society of Clinical Oncology’ recently has formed a task force who will also try to resolve this critical issue.

In many other developed markets of the world, for expensive cancer medications, the patients are required to bear the high cost of co-payment. This may run equivalent to thousands of U.S dollars, which many patients reportedly find difficult to arrange.

It has been reported that even the ‘National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), UK’ considers some anti-cancer drugs not cost-effective enough for inclusion in the NHS formulary, sparking another set of raging debate.

‘The New England Journal of Medicine’ in one of its recent articles with detail analysis, also expressed its concern over sharp increase in the price of anti-cancer medications, specifically. 

An interesting approach:

Experts are now deliberating upon the possibility of creating a ‘comparative effectiveness center’ for anti-cancer drugs. This center will be entrusted with the responsibility to find out the most cost effective and best suited anti-cancer drugs that will be suitable for a particular patient, eliminating possibility of any wasteful expenses with the new drugs just for newness and some additional features. If several drugs are found to be working equally well on the same patient, most cost effective medication will be recommended to the particular individual.

India should also explore this possibility without further delay.

Indian Government trying to find an answer in CL/NLEM/NPPP 2012:

Going by the recent developments in Compulsory License (CL) area for high priced new and innovative cancer drugs, it appears that in the times to come exorbitant prices for cancer drugs may prove to be loaded with risks of grant of CL in India due to immense public pressure.

It appears from the grapevine that Government may also explore the possibility to include some of the newer cancer drugs under National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) bringing them under price control in conformance with the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy 2012 (NPPP 2012), if not through the provision of pricing of patented drugs.

Thus responsible pricing of cancer drugs assumes huge importance for avoidance of the above unpleasant situation in India.

Cancer drug pricing related developments in India:

As stated above, cancer being the second largest killer in India and the patented cancer drugs being generally expensive, a large Indian pharmaceutical player has been reportedly insisting on the government to allow widespread use of “compulsory licenses” for cancer drugs. About 11 years ago various news reports highlighted that this company broke ‘monopoly ‘ of the multinationals by offering to supply life-saving triple therapy AIDS drug cocktails for under US$1 a day, which is about one-thirtieth the price of the global companies.

In May 2012, this same Indian company named Cipla, significantly reduced the cost of three medicines to fight brain, kidney and lung cancers in India, making these drugs around four times cheaper than the originators, as per the above news report. The company reportedly wants to reduce the prices of more cancer drugs in future.

Prompted by the above steps taken by Dr. Yusuf Hamied, the Chairman of Cipla, many global players have reportedly branded him as an Intellectual Property (IP) thief, while Dr. Hamied reportedly accused them of being “Global Serial Killers” whose high prices are costing many precious lives across the globe.

In the same interview Dr. Hamied said poverty-racked India “can’t afford to divide people into those who can afford life-saving drugs and those who can’t”.

Promising future potential for low cost newer generic cancer drugs: 

While R&D initiatives are going on full throttle for newer and innovative drugs for cancer, interestingly over a quarter of the following 15 brands, which will go off-patent in 2013 are for cancer, throwing open the door for cheaper newer generics entry and increasing access to these medicine for a larger population of cancer patients.

Patent expiry in 2013 

Rank Brand Generic name Therapy Area Company Patent Expiry Sales US$ billion (2012)
1. Cymbalta Duloxetine Antidepressant, musculoskeletal pain Eli Lilly/Shionogi Dec 11 4.9
2. Avonex Interferon beta1a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Biogen Idec Dec 31 2.9
3. Humalog Insulin lispro Anti-diabetic Eli Lilly May 7 2,52
4. OxyContin Oxycodone Pain Perdue August 31, 2.35
5. Rebif Interferon beta-1a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Merck KgaA Dec 31 2.3
6. Aciphex Rabeprazole Acid-peptic disorder J&J, Eisai May 8 1.93
7. Xeloda Capecitabin
 Cancer Roche Dec 14 1.63
8. Procrit Epoetin Alfa Anemia J&J Aug 29 1.41
9. Neupogen Filgrastim Cancer Amgen, Kirin, Roche, Royalty Pharma Dec 12 1.29
10. Zometa Zoledronic Acid Cancer Novartis March 2 1.26
11. Lidoderm Lidocaine patch 5% Pain-relieving patch Endo Health Solutions/ EpiCept Sep 15 0.918
12. Temodar Temozolomide Cancer Merck, Bayer Aug 31 0.882
13. Asacol Mesalamine Ulcerative Colitis Warner Chilcott, UCB, Zeria Pharma Jul 30 0.891
14. Niaspan Niacin Anti-lipid Abbott, Teva Sep 20 0.835
15 Reclast Zoledronic acid injection Osteoporosis Novartis March 02 0.612

(Source: Fierce Pharma)

A thought:

Initiatives for faster resolution of a pressing issue like providing affordable treatment for cancer should not be put in the back burner of a longer term planning process. The issue is very real, humanitarian, here and now, for all of us. The Government is expected to display some sense of urgency through its expeditious intervention in all the four of the following treatment processes for cancer to make them affordable, if not free for the general population:

  1. Medical intervention and consultation
  2. Diagnostic tests and detection
  3. Surgical procedure and hospitalization
  4. Medicines and chemotherapy

As ‘The Lancet” study mentions, cancer in India is all-pervasive. It has no rich or poor, urban or rural or even any gender bias. It needs to be addressed in a holistic way for the benefit of all.


High incidence of cancer in India with even higher mortality rate, coupled with very high treatment cost has positioned this disease area in the eye of a stormy debate for quite some time. The naked fact that a large number of Indian population cannot afford the high treatment cost for cancer as ‘Out of Pocket’ expenditure, has made the issue even more sensitive and socially relevant in India.

Pricing issue for cancer drugs is not just India centric. Even in the developed countries, heated debate on expensive new drugs, especially, in the oncology segment is brewing up for a while. This could possibly assume a much larger proportion in not too distant future.

It is about time for also the private players to come forward and extend support to the Government in a joint endeavor to tame the destructibility and catastrophic effect of this dreaded disease on human lives, families and the society in general. Setting access improving tangible examples through Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives, rather than mere pontification of any kind, is the need of the hour.

If it does not happen, soon enough, willy-nilly the concerned players in this area may get caught in a much fiercer debate, possibly with a force multiplier effect, inviting more desperate measures by the Government.

Responsible pricing, for the patients’ sake, of each element of the cancer treatment process will ultimately assume a critical importance, not just for survival and progress of any business, but also to fetch pots of gold, as business return, from the ‘El Dorado’ of ‘Oncology Segment’ of India.

By: Tapan J. Ray 

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

Reaping rich harvest with less moaning and bagful of creative ideas from emerging Rural Markets of India

About 72 percent of the population and 135 million households of India live in the rural areas of the country. Many of them are poor.

Definition of ‘Rural’:

Agencies of the Government of India like, National Council of Applied Economic (NCAER) and Insurance Regulatory and Development Agency (IRDA) have defined the terminology ‘rural’ as “villages with a population of less than 5000 with 75 percent population engaged in agriculture…”

Rural India is no longer an agrarian economy:

A recent study by ‘Credit Suisse’ indicates that rural India is no longer a pure agrarian economy, depending mostly on the quality of rain falls during monsoon season. This has been corroborated by the fact that the contribution of agriculture to the total GDP of rural India has come down from 50 percent, as registered during the turn of this century, to its current level of about 25 percent.

This transition of rural India from agriculture to industry and services, is now taking place at a much faster pace than ever before, as the rural economy is getting increasingly attuned to the national economic cycle, creating more and more non-agrarian jobs in those areas. Most of the incremental job creation is taking place in manufacturing, construction, retail and wholesale trade and also in the community services.

Currently, 55% of India’s GDP from manufacturing comes from rural India as the ‘Credit Suisse’ report highlights. As a result, since April 2000, per capita GDP in rural India has grown at a much faster pace than in urban India.

This welcoming change, in turn, is expected to play a key role in significantly improving the consumption of reasonably affordable healthcare, besides many other products and services, in the rural India.

Rural share of GDP growing faster:

Since last several years with various rural reform initiatives of the Government, the hinterlands of India have started growing faster than ever before.

A National Council of Applied Economic (NCAER) Research survey, indicating rural share of India’s GDP improved from 40 percent in 1980 to 54 percent in 2010, vindicates this point. At the same time, aggregate rural consumption (US$ Bn) increased from 94 in 1985 to 203 in 2005 and is expected to reach 350 in 2015. (Source: National Statistical Offices, UN, Euro Monitor International, Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India).

A new growth opportunity:

According to McKinsey Report, rural India currently accounts for 21 percent of the Indian Pharmaceutical Market (IPM). It is interesting to note from the NCAER report that both urban and rural India spend 5% of their total income on health.

Rural growth drivers:

McKinsey estimates that by 2015, upcoming smaller towns and the rural markets will contribute as much to the growth of IPM as the metros and top tier towns.

The following factors are expected to drive the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in the rural India:

  • Large patient base
  • Increasing overall income (over 1 percent of the total population coming above the poverty line every year)
  • Increasing number of middle class in rural areas
  • Disease pattern gradually shifting to chronic ailments
  • Improving healthcare infrastructure with increasing Government spend on the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
  • Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), which is the National Health Insurance Scheme for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families, will provide health cover to increasing number of BPL households
  • New initiatives of the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) like, “Janaushadhi”  scheme will provide low cost quality medicines to boost the uptake

Rural market size:

The rural markets contribute about 21 percent of U.S$ 12.5 billion pharmaceutical market in India (AIOCD-AWACS, February, 2012). As reported in ‘India Pharma 2015’ of McKinsey, by 2015 rural pharma market size is expected to reach U.S$ 4.8 billion from U.S$1.2 billion in 2005.

Currently, rural markets are dominated by ailments related to various types of infections. As stated above, this disease pattern is expected to change by the next decade to non-infectious chronic illnesses, like diabetes, cardiac, cancer, hypertension etc.

Increasing Pharmaceutical growth trend in the rural markets:

In 2011 the rural markets of India registered a growth of around 23 percent over the previous year. This decent pace of growth is expected to continue in the next decades.

MAT Dec 2011 (INR M)

MAT Dec 2011 (Saliency)

Growth %

Indian Pharma Market




















(Source: IMS Town Class Data – Dec MAT 2011)

Moreover, McKinsey Report forecasts that rural markets will contribute around 27 percent of the total consumption of India by 2020 and by 2015, rural India will account for over 24 percent of the domestic pharmaceutical market from its current level of 21 percent.

Charting the uncharted frontier:

It has been reported that growth rate of the rural markets of many companies have more than doubled due to their rural marketing focus. Possibly as a testimony to this new business opportunity, one can now see:

1. Novartis with its “Arygoya Parivar” initiative is rolling out a tailor-made program for rural areas of seven states of India, to start with. They have developed special packs of essential medicines with special prices to reach out to the rural population. To create disease awareness within the target population and also for disease prevention and treatment, Novartis has deployed health educators for this project.

2. Sanofi has initiated a dedicated rural marketing initiative called ‘Prayas’.  The initiative is aimed at ‘bridging the diagnosis‐treatment gap through a structured continuing education program for rural doctors across India’.

The Company says, “through ‘Prayas’, specialists from semi‐urban areas will share latest medical knowledge and clinical experience with general practitioners based in smaller towns and villages in the interiors of India”. Their second strategy, reportedly, is for improving healthcare access by making quality medicines available at affordable prices for the rural patients.

3. Novo Nordisk is currently engaged in screening patients for diabetes in the rural areas of Goa with mobile clinics. This initiative is expected to create widespread awareness about diabetes and early detection of the disease, so as to prevent early onset of the disease related complications.

4. Eli Lilly developed a program along with the Self-Employed Women’s Association in Ahmedabad to educate and encourage rural patients suffering from tuberculosis to go for treatment.

5. Elder pharmaceuticals created a dedicated 750 strong rural marketing sales force called Elvista.

6. Cadila Pharma has set up a dedicated rural marketing arm called Explora’.

7. Alembic Chemicals created a rural business unit called Maxis’.

These are just a few illustrations and not an exhaustive list. However, the issue is whether the rural marketing initiative will continue to remain an experimental one to the pharmaceutical companies in India or will get translated into a decent long term strategic business move.

“The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”:

The iconic management guru C K Prahalad in his well-known book titled, “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid” wrote:

“If we stop thinking of the poor as victims or as a burden and start recognizing them as resilient and creative consumers, a whole new world of opportunity will open up.” I am not sure whether the above profound observation is encouraging the pharmaceutical companies to explore the rural India with the wings of courage, where majority of the Indian populations live and most of them are poor.

A ‘Pot of Gold’ in the rural markets?

Currently around 20 million middle class households live in over 6,00,000 villages of India. This is almost the same as the number of middle class households residing in urban India and holds the key to significant increase of healthcare spending in rural India.

Rural market-entry strategy:

Instead of transplanting the urban marketing strategy into rural India, some companies, as mentioned above, have taken the community-welfare route to make the rural population aware of particular disease segments like, tuberculosis, diabetes, cardiovascular, waterborne diseases etc. together with the treatments available for such ailments.

These value added marketing strategies offer benefits to both the patients and the company concerned. The local medical practitioners, in turn, are also benefited as they get increasing number of patients in their clinics through such disease awareness community program by the pharmaceutical companies.

Key challenges:

There are some key challenges for effective rural penetration by the Indian pharmaceutical industry, as follows:

• Inadequate basic healthcare infrastructure. Only 20 percent of total healthcare infrastructure of the country is in rural areas where over 72 percent population of the country lives. • Density of doctors per 10,000 populations in India is just 6. A large number of villages in India do not have any doctor. As per AC Nielson study, an average rural Indian has to travel about 6 km to visit a doctor. A Medical Representative will require traveling about 250 to 300 km every day just to meet about 10 doctors and 4 dealers. • Many villages are not well connected by proper all season roads. • Lack of appropriate supply chain network and logistics support.


With increasing infrastructural support and tailor made innovative marketing strategies for rural India, simultaneously delivering both preventive and curative therapies under one umbrella, it may not be difficult for the Indian pharmaceutical companies to discover The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid’ – a win-win situation indeed for both the ‘haves’ and a vast majority of ‘have-nots’ living in an amazing country called India.

The name of the game is less moaning and a bagful of implementable creative ideas.

By: Tapan J Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

The top two reasons for not seeking medical treatment, across the population, are not poor ‘Access to Healthcare’ in India

“About 1.8 million children under age of 5 die in India every year; 68,000 mothers die due to maternal causes, and 52 million children in the country are stunted”.

“With 70% people living in more than 600,000 villages across rural India, not more than an estimated 30% have access to modern medicine”.

Such sensational headlines could be fallacious at times and may tend to divert the attention of all concerned from some of the key healthcare issues in India. We are indeed too negative in our approach towards a problem solution process. All stakeholders interested in improved healthcare facilities are continuously engaged in an eternal blame game. Government blames the industry and the industry blames the government and so on. In this unfortunate logjam scenario since last several decades, any possibility of breaking it will require active interference by a ‘Cerebral Braveheart”

Moreover, taking advantage of this situation, some groups of people want to progress their vested interests by projecting a ‘Weaker India’ and pontifying with crocodile tears.

Let me now try to explore these issues with hard facts.

Access to ‘round the year’ healthcare facilities in India:

As reported by the Government of India in 2004, access to healthcare infrastructure and services for the rural villages in terms of percentages were as follows (Source:India Health Report 2010) :

  1. Primary Health Centers: 68.3
  2. Sub-Centers: 43.2
  3. Government Dispensaries: 67.9
  4. Government hospitals in urban areas: 79
  5. Private Clinics: 62.7
  6. Private Hospitals: 76.7

I reckon, after implementation of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and National Urban Health Mission (NRUM), this situation prevailing in 2004 has improved. However, the scope for further improvement in all these areas still remains very high.

Hence, the shrill voice highlighting around 65% of population of India does not have access to healthcare or medicines seem to be motivated and highly misplaced.

‘Access to Modern Medicines’ is improving in India:

In addition to the above facts, CAGR (volume) of the pharmaceutical industry since the last ten years has been over 10%, leaving aside another robust growth factor being contributed through the introduction of new products, every year. Encouraging growth of the Indian Pharmaceutical Market (IPM), since the last decade, both from the urban and the rural areas certainly signals towards significant increase in the domestic consumption of medicines in India.

IPM maintained a scorching pace of 16.5% growth in 2010. A recent forecast of IMS highlights similar growth trend in 2011, as well.

In addition, extension of focus of the Indian pharmaceutical Industry, in general, to the fast growing rural markets clearly supports the argument of increasing ‘Access to Modern Medicines’ in India. The improvement in access may not exactly be commensurate to the volume growth of the industry during this period, but a major part of the industry growth could certainly be attributed towards increase in access to medicines in India.

For arguments sake, out of this rapid growth of the IPM, year after year consistently, if I attribute just 5% growth per year, for the last nine years over the base year, to improved access to medicines, it will indicate, at least, 57% of the population of India is currently having access to modern medicines and NOT just 35%, as I wrote in this blog earlier.

Unfortunately, even the Government of India does not seem to be aware of this gradually improving trend. Official communications of the government still quote the outdated statistics, which states that 65% of the population of India does not have ‘Access to Modern Medicines’ even today. No wonder, why many of us still prefer to live on to our past.

Be that as it may, around 43% of the population will still not have ‘Access to Modern Medicines’ in India. This issue needs immediate attention of the policy makers and can be resolved with a holistic approach. A robust model of healthcare financing for all socio-economic strata of the population, further improvement of healthcare infrastructure and healthcare delivery systems are the needs of the hour.

So called ‘Diseases of the Poor’ are no longer the ‘Leading Causes of Death’ in India:

Unlike popular belief that diseases of the poor are the leading causes of death in India. The office of the Registrar General of India (2009) highlights a totally different scenario, where the top five leading causes of death in terms of percentage, have been reported as follows:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases: 24.8
  2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): 10.2
  3. Tuberculosis: 10.1
  4. Cancer: 9.4
  5. Ill-defined conditions: 5.3

Thus the diseases of the developed world like cardiovascular diseases, COPD and Cancer cause over 45% of the total deaths in India, whereas Tuberculosis, Malaria, Diarrheal and digestive diseases cause around 23% deaths in the country.

The key reasons for not seeking medical treatment are not poor ‘Access to Healthcare’:

As I wrote before, the key reasons for not seeking medical treatment across socio-economic status in the country are not predominantly ‘Poor Access to Healthcare ‘. The following data will vindicate this point:

Reason Rural Poorest 20% Rural Richest 20% Urban Poorest 20% Urban Richest 20%
Financial Reasons 39.7 21.2 37.2 2.3
Ailments not considered serious 27.2 45.6 44.3 84.4
No Medical facilities 12.8 10.0 1.6 _
Others 20.3 23.2 16.9 13.3
Total 100 100 100 100

(Source: India Health Report 2010)


Thus even if the government ensures ‘Access to Healthcare’ to 100% of the population of India by taking all drastic infrastructural, policy and delivery measures, still a large section of the population both rich and poor and from urban as well as rural India will not seek medical treatment assuming many of their ailments are not serious enough. Such a situation will definitely not materially improve the healthcare scenario of India, adversely affecting the economic progress of the country by a robust productive population.

This necessitates continuous disease awareness campaigns with active participation of all stakeholders, including the civil society across the country, sooner rather than later, in tandem with all measures as will deem necessary.

By: Tapan J Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

Gone 2010…Comes 2011: Looking Back…Looking Ahead at the Healthcare Space of India

Our country, especially the media and the politicians (perhaps not so much the ‘Aam Aadmi’), appears to be totally engrossed now in uprooting the issue of corruption from the soil of India, once and for all. Politicians of all hues are not showing any sign of respite to let go this opportunity, without squeezing out the last drop of ‘political elixir’, out of the current high level of self-created cynicism. This is very important for them in the run-up to the next general and state elections for ultimate win in the political power-game. The ‘common man’, like you and me, on the contrary, is perhaps thinking about job creation, financial progress, infrastructure development, education and health.

The Fourth Estate of the country, especially the Electronic Media, seems to be lapping up any news, which could even remotely help the TRPs of their respective news channels going north.

In a chaotic situation like this, when even the country’s parliament is defunct, it appears, by and large the entire nation is currently being encouraged to get deeply engaged in ‘self-flagellation’, as it were. There seems to be a desperate need to prove to the world, time and again, how bad the Indians are. The ‘Brand India’ after taking so many powerful blows on its chin, is in tears now.

Be that as it may, has India achieved anything in the year 2010 with a public spend of just around 1% of the GDP towards healthcare? Let me try to capture some of those hard facts, which could appear as a laundry list though, at the very onset of the brand New Year. I have collated these details from various published sources.

Some doomsayers with ever ‘pontifying’ mind-set would nevertheless keep brushing all these aside. However, acknowledging these achievements, I would rather say, “all these are too little even for too few”.

Whatever it is, I am trying to put these details in one place for a comprehensive record of the year, just gone by.

Here it goes:

I. Healthcare Indicators:

I. The number of polio cases has sharply declined during the year. Only 41 polio cases have been reported as on November 30, 2010, against 633 in the corresponding period of 2009.

II. Adult HIV prevalence has declined from 0.41% in 2000 to 0.31% in 2009. The number of new annual HIV infections has declined by more than 50% from 2000 to 2010.(Source: National AIDS Control Organization )

III. Leprosy Prevalence Rate has declined to 0.71/10,000 in March, 2010. 32 State/UTs have achieved elimination by March 2010, leaving only Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli.

IV.TB mortality in has gone down from over 42/lakh population in 1990 to 23/lakh population in 2009 as per the WHO global report 2010. The prevalence of the disease in the country has reduced from 338/lakh population in 1990 to 249/lakh population by the year 2009 (Source: WHO global TB report, 2010).

II. New Initiatives:

  1. A bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) was launched in the country in Bihar on January 9, 2010.
  2. A ‘Sports Injury Centre’ was dedicated to the nation at the Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi, with an inpatient capacity of 35 beds with all modern facilities.
  3. The Indian Pharmacopeia Commission published the 2010 version of Indian Pharmacopeia.
  4. Upgradation of the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Delhi with an estimated cost of Rs 382.41. Crore.
  5. A scheme to support the State Government Medical Colleges for conducting paramedical courses with a total proposed project cost of Rs.1156.43 Crore.
  6. Setting up of 132 Auxiliary Nurse Midwives training schools at an estimated cost of Rs.5.00 Crores per school and 137 General Nursing and Midwifery training schools at an estimated cost of Rs.10.00 Crores per school.
  7. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Railways signed a memorandum of Understanding for development of healthcare infrastructure along the railway network of the country.
  8. A new ‘National Program for Health Care of the Elderly’ (NPHCE) was approved with an outlay of Rs. 288.00 Crore for 2010-11 & 2011-12.
  9. Urban Slum Health Check-up Scheme for Diabetes and Blood pressure was launched in New Delhi on November 14, 2010. Pilot project is in progress in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Ahmedabad.
  10. The revised National Program for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) was approved with a budgetary provision of Rs. 1230.90 Crore
  11. Under Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), a pilot project of a standalone hemodialysis center has started at Sadiq Nagar CGHS Wellness center in collaboration with M/S Alliance Medicorp (India) Limited, Chennai, under Public Private Partnership (PPP).

III. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)

  1. Healthcare Infrastructure:

I. New construction and upgradation of 433 District Hospitals, 2921 Community Health Centers (CHCs), 4165 Primary Health Centers (PHCs) and 11856 Health Sub-Centers.

II. 9120 PHCs became functional for 24 hours, as compared to only 1262 in 2005.

  1.                III.  2426 health facilities which include District Hospitals, Sub-District Hospitals and Community Health Centers started functioning as First Referral Units (FRUs) as compared to 955 in 2005.


  1.                IV.  1653 Mobile Medical Units are operating in different States providing services in the interior areas.
  2. Human Resource:

I. 2394 Specialists, 8284 MBBS doctors, 9578 AYUSH doctors, 26734 staff nurses, 53552 ANMs and 18272 other Para-medical staff were added to the health system to improve the services.

II. Over 8.33 lakh trained ASHA/community workers were engaged to link the households with the health facility.


3.  Healthcare System:


I. State and District Health Societies were set up in all the States and Union Territories (UTs).

  1.                               II.  Planning capacity at the district level was strengthened and Integrated District Health Action Plan prepared by 540 districts.

4. Community Engagement:

Effective and efficient decentralized management of health system is being achieved through communalization of facilities, adequate and flexible financing with community accountability, monitoring progress against Indian Public Health Standards, innovations in human resources, together with engagement and building of capacity at all levels.

I. 29904 ‘Rogi Kalyan Samitis’ were registered in the health facilities up to PHC level.

  1.                               II.  4.93 lakh Village Health and Sanitation Committees (VHSCs) were constituted and 4.82 lakh joint accounts at the Village Health and Sanitation Committees and Health Sub-Centers were opened.
  2.                            III.  23.61 million Village Health & Nutrition Days were held at village level over the last three years to provide immunization, maternal and child healthcare and other public health related services at ‘Anganwadi’ centers.

5. Service Delivery:

I. Under the ‘Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)’, which is cash transfer scheme to promote institutional delivery, over 100.78 lakh pregnant mothers were covered in 2009-10 as against 7.39 lakh in 2005-06.

  1.                               II.  53500 male health workers were hired for all the Sub Health Centers (SHC) in 235 high focus districts for disease control with a total costs of Rs. 385.52 Crores per year.

6. Family Planning:

  1.                                 I.  Fixed day Fixed Place Family Planning Services round the year through PHCs
  2.                               II.  ‘Santushti’ strategy was implemented through ‘Janasankhya Sthrirata Kosh’, to provide private sector gynecologists and vasectomy surgeons an opportunity to conduct sterilization operations through Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives.

7. Disease Control:

  • National Tuberculosis Control Program:

I. Treatment success rates increased from 25% to 87% in 2010.

II. Death rates have declined from 29% to 4% in 2010

III. Treatment success rate is now >85% and new sputum positive (NSP) case detection rate is currently more than the global target of 70%.

  • The National Program for Control of Blindness started providing financial assistance to NGOs for cataract operations and treatment of other eye diseases.
  • 75 districts were added to the National Program for Prevention and Control of Deafness (NPPCD), making it a total of 176 districts of 15 States and 4 UTs. Rs.11.50 Crore has been provided for the current year.
  • Phase–I of ‘Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana’ projects commenced with an allocation of Rs 9307.60 Crore.

IV. Healthcare Legislation:

1. The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill 2010 was introduced in the ‘Lok Sabha’ to give effect to amendments to the IMC Act 1956 by which in certain specified situations Government can dissolve the elected Medical Council and replace it, for a period not exceeding one year with a nominated Board of governors.

2. The “National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences Bangalore Bill, 2010” was introduced in the ‘Rajya Sabha’ to facilitate NIMHANS to develop as an Institute of National Importance on the lines of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi,

3. The Clinical Establishments (Registration & Regulation) Bill, 2010 was passed by both Houses of Parliament and notified. The Act aims at providing registration & regulation of clinical establishments in the country with a view to prescribing minimum standards of facilities and services.

V. International Cooperation:

  • A MoU on the Establishment and Operation of Global Disease Detection (GDD) – India Centre, between National Centre for Disease Control, New Delhi and Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA, was signed during the recent visit of the US President Mr. Barack Obama in November 2010.
  • India raised the issue of counterfeit medicines and “urged countries to steer clear from the commercially motivated debates over the ‘counterfeit’ issue which have hampered public health by preventing access to good quality and low cost generic drugs”. As a result WHA adopted a resolution establishing a time limited and result oriented working group on substandard / spurious / falsely-labeled / falsified / counterfeit medical products comprised of and open to all Member States.

VI. Health Research:

I. Draft National Health Research Policy prepared during the year, is being debated across the country.

II. Draft Policy for Knowledge Management Policy for Health – services, education and research prepared and debates completed.

III. Based on guidelines for use of assisted reproductive technologies a draft Bill has been prepared.

IV. Guidelines for management of cancers of buccal mucosa, stomach & cervix has been developed.

My wish-list for 2011:

In my view, the following 5 important issues, if addressed effectively in 2011,could make a significant impact on the Healthcare space of India:

1. Announcement of a robust, reform oriented long overdue pharmaceutical ‘Drug Policy’ in India.

2. More budgetary allocation and a transparent delivery system for the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and the Rashtriya Bima Yojana (RBY) to improve access to healthcare and ensure inclusive growth in the healthcare sector, covering majority of the population of the country.

  1.               3.  A strong healthcare financing model covering all strata of  society to reduce  the burden of huge ‘out of pocket’ healthcare expenses and make healthcare more accessible and affordable to all.

- The 2010 ‘World Health Report’ of the ‘World Health Organization (WHO)’ “provided governments of various countries with practical guidance on ways to finance healthcare expenses. Taking evidence from all over the world, the report showed how all countries, rich and poor, can adjust their health financing mechanisms so more people get the healthcare they need.” I reckon, policy makers in India will exert enough efforts in 2011 for speedy implementation of such reform oriented healthcare initiatives in the country in its endeavor to fulfill the long overdue promise – ‘health for all.’

4. Progressive policy and fiscal measures to encourage innovation and pharmaceutical R&D within the country

5. Speedy resolution of all Intellectual Property related disputes through ‘Fast Track IP Courts’ to create appropriate innovation oriented ‘Echo System’ in the country.


All the achievements of the year just gone by, are good… but are these enough? India in its ‘Healthcare Policy’ statement, way back in mid-1980 promised, ‘health for all’ by the year 2000. We are not there, not just yet.

Though the country is trying hard to achieve the ‘Millennium Development Goals (MDG)’ by 2015, as the situation stands today, it appears a remote possibility, in many areas.

Non-communicable diseases are now posing a major threat to the country, significantly increasing the burden of disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned that India would be the ‘diabetic capital’ of the world with a population of around 80 million diabetic patients by 2030. Further, the ‘Cardiological Society of India’ predicts that there would be around 100 million cardiac patients in the country by 2020, which roughly works out to be around 60% of the total cardiac patient population of the world.

Keeping all these in view, the achievements made by the country in the year 2010, though should be taken note of… but the moot question still remains, ‘aren’t all these too little even for too few?’

By: Tapan J Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

Leverage the potential of ‘Telemedicine’ to effectively address the healthcare needs of India

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined telemedicine as follows:

“The delivery of healthcare services, where distance is a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals using information and communication technologies for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for continuing education of healthcare providers, all in the interests of advancing the health of individuals and their communities”

Telemedicine is gradually becoming popular in India, like in many other countries of the world. This emerging technology based healthcare service, will surely meet the unmet needs of the patients located in the far flung areas, by providing them access to medical specialists for treatment of even tertiary level of their ailments, without requiring to travel outside their villages or small towns where they reside. Telemedicine is, therefore, slowly but gradually emerging as a convenient and cost-effective way of treating even complicated diseases of the rural population.

The applications of Telemedicine:

1. To extend affordable quality healthcare services to those places where these are not available due to basic healthcare infrastructure and delivery issues.

2. Electronic transmission of clinical information of both synchronous and asynchronous types, involving voice and data transfer of patients to distantly located experts and get their treatment advice, online.

3. To effectively train the medics and the paramedics located in distant places and proper management of healthcare delivery/service systems.

4. Disaster management.

The Process:

The process can be:

- ‘Real time’ or synchronous when through a telecommunication link real time interaction between the patients and doctors/experts can take place. This technology can be used even for tele-robotic surgery.

- ‘Non-real time’ or asynchronous type when through a telecommunication link, stored diagnostics/medical data and other details of the patients are transmitted to the specialists for off-line assessment and advice at a time of convenience of the specialists.

These processes facilitate access to specialists’ healthcare services by the rural patients and the rural medical practitioners reducing avoidable travel time and related expenses. At the same time such interaction helps upgrading the knowledge of the rural medical practitioners and paramedics.

The Promise:

‘Telemedicine’ is capable of taking modern healthcare to remote rural areas using Information Technology (IT), as specialists are mostly based in the cities. As majority of the diseases do not require surgery, ‘telemedicine’ will prove to be very conducive to such patients and economical too.
Relevance of Telemedicine in India:

With its over 1.12 billion population and equally huge and not so well addressed disease burden, spreading across distant and remote semi-urban and rural areas where over 70 per cent of the population of the country lives, India by any standard is a country, which should focus on ‘Telemedicine’ to meet the unmet healthcare needs of the common man.

Telemedicine, therefore, is very relevant for the country, as it faces a scarcity of both hospitals and medical specialists. In India for every 10,000 of the population just 0.6 doctors is available. According to the Planning Commission, India is short of 600,000 doctors, 10 lakh nurses and 200,000 dental surgeons. Over 72 percent of Indians live in rural areas where facilities of healthcare are still grossly inadequate. Most of the specialists are reluctant to go to the rural areas. In addition, 80 percent of doctors, 75 percent of dispensaries and 60 percent of hospitals, are situated in urban India.

Telemedicine should be leveraged to bridge the gap of healthcare divide:

Equitable access to healthcare is the overriding goal of the National Health Policy 2002. Telemedicine has a great potential to ensure that the inequities in the access to healthcare services are adequately addressed by the country.

ISRO and the progress of Telemedicine in India:

The concept of ‘Telemedicine’ is relatively new in India and started drawing attention of the Government since 1999, when the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) deploying a SATCOM-based telemedicine network took its pioneering step towards this direction and is currently playing a key role in the evolution and development of ‘telemedicine’ in India. ISRO with its effective application of world class satellite communication technology with modern medical science and information technology has engaged itself very seriously to ensure availability of specialty healthcare services right at the doorsteps of a vast majority of deprived population living even in the distant and remote places of the rural India.

Government and private initiatives:

Since then the Ministry of Health and Family welfare with its initiative through information technology in some country level projects forming the National Telemedicine Taskforce, some private healthcare institutions like Apollo and various State Governments like, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and West Bengal also took admirable initiatives to translate the concept of ‘telemedicine’ into reality, especially for the rural India.

Subsequently, private telemedicine solution providers have now started coming-up, in a very sporadic manner though. Active participation of the civil society and meaningful Public private Partnership (PPP) projects are essential not only to get engaged in creating awareness for ‘telemedicine’ within India, but also to ensure that required blend of a high quality of technical and medical manpower that the country currently possesses are effectively utilized to establish India as a pioneering nation and a model to emulate in the field of telemedicine.

The market of Telemedicine in India:

Frost & Sullivan has estimated the telemedicine market of India at US$3.4 million, which is expected to record a CAGR of over 21 percent between 2007 and 2014.

Practices of Telemedicine in India:

Not only the central government of India, many state governments and private players are also entering into telemedicine in a big way with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) playing a pivotal role, as indicated earlier. Some of the encouraging examples are as follows:

Telemedicine in Tamil Nadu:

Wi-Fi video conferencing network has now enabled ophthalmologists in the country to treat patients located in distant rural areas.

For example in an eye clinic in Andipatti village of Tamil Nadu state patients are connected through an inexpensive Wi-Fi video conferencing network with an ophthalmologist located about 15 kilometers away at the Aravind Eye Hospital in the city of Theni, for diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmological conditions. It has been reported that in the last six years eight such vision centers have been opened in the Theni district to provide eye treatment through ‘telemedicine’ to the affected population. These centers are managed by ophthalmic assistants trained to conduct a full eye examination, administer diagnostic tests, treat simple ailments and prescribe glasses. An ophthalmologist located as far away as 150 kilometers gives the final advice to the patients through videoconferencing and incurring a fraction of the expenses of what the patient would have otherwise incurred for getting treated at the district hospital of Theni.

World Health Organization (WHO) in its recent report has highlighted that about one third of the 45 million blind population of the world, live in India with majority of the causes being easily treatable cataracts and diabetes. It is worth mentioning that India has pledged to eliminate avoidable blindness in 10 years, under WHO 2020 initiative.

The Government of India is contemplating to create 20,000 more rural vision centers in the next few years.

Telemedicine in Kerala:

In Kerala selected referral Telemedicine Centers which are ‘Taluk Hospitals’ are connected to the Specialty hospitals through ISDN dial-up connection and the Telemedicine software MERCURY for creating and transferring the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) from sources like ECG, Microscope and Scanner.

A Telemedicine system for Cancer Patients called ‘CancerNet’ has also been created in the state for cancer detection, treatment, pain relief ,patient follow-up and continuity of care in peripheral hospitals (nodal centers) of Regional Cancer Centre (RCC). This facility connects RCC, Trivandrum and five nodal outreach centers. More than 3000 patients are treated or consulted in these nodal centers offering significant financial benefits to patients.

The specialty centers are located at:

• Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram
• Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
• Regional Cancer Center,Thiruvananthapuram
• Mental Health Centre, Thiruvananthapuram

The remote nodal centers are located at:

• Taluk Hospital, Neyyattinkara
• Taluk headquarters Hospital, Quilandy
• Taluk Hospital, Mavelikkara
• Taluk Hospital, Vythiri, Wayanad

Telemedicine in Andhra Pradesh:

Among the private initiatives the Apollo group of hospitals took a pioneering initiative in ‘telemedicine’ with a pilot project at a secondary level hospital in Aragonda village located about16 km away from the town Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh, covering a population of 5000.

Telemedicine in West Bengal:

Telemedicine for Tropical Diseases utilizing Technology developed by WEBEL & IIT Kharagpur has been developed by the state for diagnosis and monitoring of skin and blood related tropical diseases in West Bengal. The facility has been installed in School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata and two District Hospitals. This is now being upgraded and extended to cover two referral hospitals and four District hospitals.

Telemedicine in North Eastern States:

A facility of Telemedicine Solution is being developed in Kohima Hospital of Nagaland under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the Government of Nagaland, Marubeni India Ltd, Apollo Hospitals and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. Two telemedicine centers are being set up connecting hospitals in the capitals of the North-eastern states, Sikkim and Tripura with super-specialty hospital under Community Information Centre scheme of DIT. North Eastern Council of India is planning to cover all 75 districts in seven states through Telemedicine.

Allocate more fund for Telemedicine:

Telemedicine now shows an immense potential, within the frugal healthcare infrastructure of India, to catapult rural healthcare services, especially secondary and tertiary, to a different level altogether. Current data indicate that over 278 hospitals in India have already been provided with telemedicine facilities. 235 small hospitals including those in rural areas are now connected to 43 specialty hospitals. ISRO provides the hospitals with telemedicine systems including software, hardware, communication equipment and even satellite bandwidth.

In 1999, India based one of the largest healthcare providers in Asia, The Apollo Hospitals Group also entered into telemedicine space. Today, the group has quite successfully established over 115 telemedicine locations in India, It has been reported that a ‘tele-consultation’ between the experts and the rural center ranges from 15 to 30 minutes in these facilities.

The state governments and private hospitals are now required to allocate adequate funds to further develop and improve penetration of Telemedicine facilities in India.

Issues with Telemedicine in India:

- Telemedicine is not free from various complicated legal, social, technical and consumer related issues, which need to be addressed urgently.

- Many a time, doctors feel that for Telemedicine they need to work extra hours without commensurate monetary compensation, as per their expectations.

- The myth created that setting up and running a Telemedicine facility is expensive needs to be broken, as all these costs can be easily recovered by any hospital through nominal charges to the patients.

- Inadequate and uninterrupted availability of power supply could limit proper functioning of a telemedicine center.

- High quality of Telemedicine related voice and data transfer is of utmost importance. Any compromise in this area may have significant impact on the treatment outcome of a patient.

- Lack of trained manpower for Telemedicine can be addressed by making it a part of regular medical college curriculum.

- Legal implications, if arise, out of any Telemedicine treatment need to be clearly articulated.

- A system needs to be worked out to prevent any possible misuse or abuse of the confidential Telemedicine treatment data of a patient.

- Reimbursement procedure of Telemedicine treatment costs by the medical insurance companies needs to be effectively addressed.


Because of a very large population of India living in remote and distant rural areas, ‘telemedicine’ would play a very special and critical role in India to address the healthcare needs of the common man. With increasing coverage of telemedicine, it is imperative that required regulatory standards and guidelines for the same is put in place across the country.

Some significant and path breaking advances have indeed been made in the field of ‘telemedicine’ in India. It is though unfortunate that enough awareness for an optimal spread of this critical facility has been created, as yet to address the healthcare needs of a vast majority of the population in India, effectively. The pioneering role that ISRO has been playing in this field is also not known to many. All powerful ‘Fourth Estate’, I reckon, should now take more interest to initiate a healthy discussion and debate on this important healthcare solution, within the civil society.

By Tapan Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

Healthcare services in India … growing disparity between urban and rural population – can ‘Telemedicine’ play a significant role?

Healthcare Industry in India is currently valued at US$ 35 billion. This industry is expected to record a turnover of US$ 75 billion in 2012 and US$ 150 billion in 2017, reports Technopak Advisors in their report titled “India Healthcare Trends 2008”.Growing Middle Class Population – the key growth driver:This growth is not expected to come from rural India where over 70% of Indian population lives and a vast majority of them do not have ‘access to modern medicines‘. The key driver of growth of this sector will be growing 150 million strong middle class population with increasing health awareness. Out of this population, 50 million have a disposable income of US$ 4,380 – US$21, 890,, reports McKinsey. Technopak Advisors report recommends an immediate investment of US$ 82 billion to meet this growing demand.

Medical Tourism - another potential growth driver:

Another growth driver is expected to be ‘Medical Tourism’. With a slogan: ‘First World Treatment at Third World Prices’, Medical Tourism is expected to become a US$ 2 billion industry by 2012 from US$ 350 million in 2006, reports a study done by McKinsey and CII. In 2008-09, over 200,000 foreigners, mainly from Middle East and South Asian countries came for medical treatment in India. Hospitals in India are now trying to attract patients from Afro-Asian countries who spend around US$ 20 billion outside their respective countries, towards medical treatment. Thus, the current number of patients visiting India for medical tourism is expected to grow by around 25 percent during next few years.

Medical expertise and facilities – a sharp contrast between the urban and rural India:

India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) reports that over a period of last few years besides cost advantage, high success rate, especially in the following areas has been attracting the medical tourists towards India:

• Over 500,000 major surgeries and over a million other surgical procedures including cardio-thoracic, neurological and cancer surgeries have been performed by the Indian specialists, with success rates at par with international standards.

• The success rate of cardiac bypass in India is 98.7 per cent against 97.5 per cent in the U.S.

• India’s success in 110 bone marrow transplants is 80 per cent.

• The success rate in 6,000 renal transplants is 95 per cent.

• India has the 2nd highest number of qualified doctors in the world.

It is worth noting, the centre of excellence of all these outstanding statistical records are located mainly in the urban areas. In sharp contrast to these most of the rural populations are denied of basic healthcare facilities services. Despite being second highest growing economy in the world after China and having world class healthcare facilities available in the country, a vast majority of rural population is denied of basic healthcare services. Even in those places where primary healthcare establishments are available, poor maintenance, understaffing, non-availability of medicines and antic medical equipment, deny the basic and standard healthcare services to the local population.

India is still the home for world’s ‘largest number of poor people in a single country’, even after 61 years of Independence. A study indicates that in India around 260 million people live below the poverty line (BPL). Out of this number about 193 million people live in rural areas and about 67 million live in urban areas. Over 75% of these poor people live in rural India.

The point to note here, although over 700 million people live in rural India, only 193 million of them belong to BPL families. Therefore, even those who can afford proper medical treatment in rural areas, do not have access to modern healthcare facilities, due lack of healthcare infrastructure and services.

Quoting Oxford University of the United Kingdom (UK), The Economic Times (ET) dated February 2, 2009 reported that due to lack of basic healthcare facilities, around one million women and children die every year in India. This is, once again, mainly because 700 million people in rural India have no access to specialists. 80% of medical specialists live in urban areas. ‘India Knowledge, Wharton’ reported recently that India would require an investment of US$ 20 billion over next 5 years to address this problem.

National Health Policy 1983 promised healthcare services to all by 2000 – has it delivered?

The National Health Policy 1983 announced commitment of the Government of India to provide ‘health care services to all by year 2000′. Unfortunately, even today only 35% of Indian population have access to affordable modern medicines, despite an appreciable growth of this sector during last four decades.

Per capita expenditure towards healthcare in India is one of lowest among Asian countries outside South Asia. The expenditure of the Government for healthcare has progressively grown over the years though, healthcare expenditure as a percentage of total government spending has decreased considerably. Only silver lining is that the private sector spending towards healthcare is steadily increasing at a much higher pace.

Can ‘Telemedicine’ improve access to healthcare in rural India?

Would creation of a cost-effective ‘Telemedicine’ infrastructure in rural areas be able to address this problem? In my view, this area is worth exploring seriously and should be tried out by the Government with Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, initially with pilot projects.

‘Telemedicine’ has been defined as the use of electronic information and communication technologies to provide health care support to patients from distant locations. Thus ‘Telemedicine’ could be used to provide healthcare services where it does not exist at all and at the same will help to improve healthcare services considerably, where something already exists.

With the advancement in telecommunication and satellite communication technology in the recent years, the scope of creating and gradually expanding the ‘Telemedicine’ facilities in India indeed throw open a new avenue to improve ‘access to quality healthcare services’, in rural India.

Besides lack of basic primary healthcare services in rural areas where over 70% of Indian population live, 90% of secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities are also located in large cities and towns.

Thus, in addition to primary healthcare services, even secondary and tertiary healthcare needs of a large number of rural populations can be successfully met locally through consultations with the experts located in distant cities and towns without anyone having to travel to those far off cities and towns.

Telemedicine‘, therefore, could also offer solutions to the problem of expert medical assistance during serious or critical illness of people living in rural India. The role of ‘Telemedicine’ on healthcare services will be very meaningful under such circumstances.

‘Telemedicine’ services have already started in a smaller scale though, in Kerala, West Bengal and North-eastern states of India. It is slowly coming up in some other southern states, as well. What is required now is a concerted and integrated approach, spear-headed by the Government of India, taking all State Governments on board, with a robust policy initiative.

However, there are some key concerns with this initiative, as well. The most important of which is related to costs of such treatment for the rural households, besides other regulatory issues.

Appropriate regulatory and policy frameworks should be thoughtfully worked out to extend such innovative services to rural India, under PPP. If the concept of ‘Telemedicine’ can be made to work effectively in rural areas, leveraging world class expertise in information technology available within the country, India will emerge as a role model in the field of ‘Telemedicine’ for the developing nations of the world.

Moreover, over a period of time the ‘Telemedicine’ platform can also be effectively utilized for many other healthcare initiatives, like for example, disease prevention programs, medical/para medical staff training etc.

When ‘e-chaupal’ initiative of ITC for rural farmers of India could be so successful, why not ‘Telemedicine’ for rural patients of India?

The promise of “Healthcare services to all by year 2000” as enunciated in the National Health Policy, 1983 of the Government of India, could still be achievable, albeit late, by the next decade of this new millennium with ‘Telemedicine’.

By Tapan Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.

65% of Indians do not have access to affordable modern medical treatment – why?

India is indeed a country of many paradoxes. Not just peaceful co-existence of luxurious sky scrapers and dilapidated shanties side by side. In the healthcare sector as well, we witness on one side booming medical tourism of foreign nationals to get various types of ailments treated with the best possible medical amenities, just when on the other side common diseases like, malaria and tuberculosis are taking the common man on a rampage. Is India, therefore, ignoring the crying need to strike a balance between extending cost competitive healthcare benefits to the ‘haves’ of the world without neglecting the domestic ‘have nots’?Another paradox, when India caters significantly to the growing needs of the world for low cost generic medicines, 65% of Indian population cannot afford the same and do not have access even to a doctor.In a situation like this, what sort of equitable distribution of healthcare benefits are we then talking about? Isolated attempts of opening low cost generic medicine shops, enforcing rigorous non-transparent price control, attempt to divert the debate on the price of patented medicines which contribute miniscule decimal points on the total pharma market in India, can at best be termed as populist measures, instead of trying to look at the macro picture to address the pressing healthcare issues of the country.

When we talk about affordability, why do we not talk about affordability of medical treatment as a whole and not just affordability of medicine, for one or many ailments that the common man suffers from? Will our government try to address this bigger issue in a holistic way?

What could possibly be the reasons for such inaction? Is it because improper co-ordination, if not lack of co-ordination, between various Government departments, the ultimate victim of which is the common man?

Such a situation reminds me of an old story of three blind men and an elephant. After touching the trunk of the elephant, one blind man describes the elephant as a large Python, touching a leg of the elephant, the other blind man describes it as a pillar. The third blind man while touching the body of the elephant describes it as a strong wall. Unfortunately no one could describe the elephant as it really is and no one in this particular case was helping them to do so, either.

Could it be that various departments of our Governments are acting like these blind men and are not seeing the big picture – the elephant of the above story? It appears that the Pharmaceutical department of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers believes that only the price of medicines is the key issue for an ailing patient while going for a medical treatment and not the cost of total treatment. Thus, they seem to be working full time to drive down only the price of medicines.

The Ministry of Health is also trying to do a little bit of something in some not so known areas. The Ministry possibly believes that they are effectively helping everybody to address the pressing healthcare issues. It does not so appear that the Ministry realizes that majority of our population does not have access to affordable modern treatment for the ailments that they are suffering from. Number of doctors, nurses, hospital beds etc. per 1000 of Indian population is still abysmally low even compared to some developing nations. Cost of getting a disease diagnosed even before any medicine is prescribed is sky rocketing, at a break neck speed. Which Government department is trying to address the cost of disease burden and trying to alleviate it for all of us, in a holistic way?

Here comes another paradox. While the Pharmaceutical Department intends to bring down the price to make the drug affordable, the Finance Ministry keeps the transaction cost of medicines at a high level by levying various taxes to improve its revenue collection, ultimately making the same medicine less affordable.

In the developed nations and also in many emerging markets healthcare financing or health insurance for all strata of the society is being successfully implemented to address the key issue of improving access to affordable modern treatment to a vast majority of the population. Even after 61 years of independence we have not been able to address this critical healthcare financing issue effectively.

Piece meal approach of our Government has not succeeded much to address this important issue of the country. Taking one-off populist measures of various types and creating media hype may not help sorting out this issue, at all.

The way forward, very broadly speaking, is to bring the entire healthcare policy making and implementation functions under one ministry. If that is not possible, the concerned ministries should work in unison, with effective procedural interfaces being put in place for proper co-ordination with a clear goal of improving access to affordable modern treatment to all.

Is it not a shame on us that even today, 65% of Indian population does not have access to affordable modern medical treatment?

By Tapan Ray

Disclaimer: The views/opinions expressed in this article are entirely my own, written in my individual and personal capacity. I do not represent any other person or organization for this opinion.